Monday, October 29, 2007

Testing the Tagging @ Blogger

This is just a normal content...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Enterprise Web 2.0

Assembling great software: A round-up of eight mashup tools by ZDNet's Dion Hinchcliffe -- There is a frequently recurring piece of software development lore that plays on the fact that good programmers are supposed to be lazy. In these stories, a good programmer will take a frequently recurring, monotonous task (like testing) and instead of doing it by hand, will instead write a piece of code once that will do the task for them, thereby automating it for future use.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Web 2.0 Survey #2 - University Students

Dear Colleagues, Students,

in order to recognize actual importance of Web 2.0 (social web, collaborative, AJAX...) services in everyday life of current young generation, we have set up a very short survey about the character and intensity of using Web 2.0 services.

Above, you'll find a poll with two questions -- so, please, answer to them!
(English is preferable; non-English answers will be translated when processing
the results.)

To get even more detailed info about concrete Web 2.0 services you use,
please, drop a comment to this post, describing what services you use,
for what purpose and how frequently.

Thank you for cooperation!!!

-- Tomas Pitner

PS: Results will be summarized and posted here after the deadline (which is Oct 18).